Saturday, May 11, 2013

Conscious Consumer Tip #4: Repurpose Some of Your Clothes!

In one of my previous posts, I gave three simple ways on how to be a conscious consumer. I follow those guidelines a lot. For one, I do like Philippine brands which sells Filipino-made products. I'm NUTS about all things ethnic and indigenous. I often buy goods from bazaars which were obviously made here in the Philippines. Second, I go to thrift stores a lot. You'll never know what you'll find. Some pieces are DIVINE. As a girl who looooves fashion maybe way much more than the next girl, thrift stores are fashion heavens for frugal fashionistas like me. Third, I like eco-friendly products. I like the effort they put because I know making things eco-friendlier is harder now than it was before because of machines and stuff.

But now I think I want to add another point re: conscious consumerism. So now you've bought these articles of clothing. You've worn it, you've loved it. But the fashion world moves much faster than the actual world as what's in last month can now be "out".

Fret not because there is a solution for us style-minded people!

We have the option to make our clothing ourselves. And yes. It's not impossible.

I've been reading a lot of DIY blogs lately and can I just say... I'm so amazed at crafty people! They don't have to rely on buying from stores when they want a certain style of a dress! They can just make them on their own. They can even upcycle which makes their work all the more awesome and totally admirable! That's why when I got up this weekend, I decided it would be a DIY day for me. For today I made 2 DIY projects, and another is still a work in progress. I'm not posting the first one because it's way too small for me (as in, it could only fit Jovy, my lovely 4'11" househelper). But it's the second one which I am proud of to share with you guys:


It's a dress and could function as a skirt. It used to be this flared pair of jogging pants which my sweet but not-so-fashionable dad bought for me, thinking I would wear such a style in this day and age! But I didn't want the color and this piece itself to go to waste, especially since my favorite colors for clothes are very monochrome and pastel-ish these days. The third one I'm currently making is a backless top with pretty knots. The materials I'm using are all old shirts which makes everything so eco-chic! Hihi. I'll show it to you guys when I'm done. I also have a few other projects in mind and I can't wait to get the materials I need to execute them.

With that, I hope you guys can try rummaging through your closet and repurpose an old shirt or jean or something. Go crazy! Try making things yourself for once, instead of buying overpriced goods which may or may not have been made through unsafe labor conditions.