Monday, May 20, 2013

Transferred blogs! + Summer (Classes) Ender

Well I'm back in Blogspot. :)) I know, I am so fickle when it comes to blogs! Believe me when I say that I am much more fickle when it comes to clothes. Hah! But I do hope that I'm settled with this name for good. <3 Good & Golden, good and talented. I love the optimism it radiates! Hihi. Hopefully my optimism transcend into my grades, too. Hehe. My summer classes is about to come to a close and though the work is not yet even done, I'm quite happy with how it panned out.

For one, I just finished the requirements for my Development of Drama class. I don't know if I did so well in that class because frankly, I think it's been a hit-or-miss type of class for me... So I don't really know what to expect once they release the grades. I'm also almost done with my Nanoenterprise Management class. In this class, we partnered up with the Department of Social Welfare and Development. We were to evaluate and give recommendations with regard to the businesses of the some the beneficiaries of their Conditional Cash Transfer program. The family assigned to me owns two business: a fish vending business and a balut vending business. :) Hopefully they would be able to find my suggestions practical, feasible, and desirable! Aside from these two classes, I also took a Public Relations class. After this post, I'll be starting on one of our papers. I actually have three more requirements to pass for this class. I wrote a feature article on Vesti, for one, and all that one needs is a little more editing and it's good to go. I have to write a PR proposal for a company to adopt an Anti-Kotong (Anti-Bribery) campaign for motorists. The last paper I have to work one would be about a company/org I don't like. Then I'd have to give suggestions on what they could improve on, in terms of PR. I'm thinking of writing about the Government of Manila because I have this love-hate feeling about this place. But I think that writing about that would be really, really tricky because before working on its PR, it has to first and foremost fix the whole place... Now that it has a "new" leader who has had experience in running another LGU before, hopefully, we could see Manila soar into new heights... It's been into such a bad state of decay, what with all the controversies that happened for the past years. Well, I guess that's a topic for next time. Or for my paper, for that matter. :)

Even though I am swamped with college work for the next few days, I am not letting that stop me from doing extra-curricular activities. Yes, and as if I do not have so many work to do for myself already, I am also looking into joining Cat@lyst, a contest which asks for an ICT-based solution to a community problem. I am joining this contest with Bryan! :) We haven't settled on a final project yet. But we'll come up with something! :D Hopefully I can share it once we're done with the submission.

So yes, before I make a complete buffoon of myself by wasting my precious time, I'll head on to working on my stuuuufffssss to do now. :) Bye, and see you soon!

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